
Matching File Folders: Red, White, & Too {Special Education, EC}


Product Description

These 4 file folders will make excellent summertime tools resources centers in younger elementary classrooms as well as for work systems and instruction in special education classrooms. These file folders are great for structured or independent work systems for students with autism and related disabilities as well. The file folders focus on basic matching skills for colors, numbers and counting. This set is designed to assure that what the student is learning is the skill targeted. For instance, all the numbers are on the same color stars so that the student doesn’t learn to match the colors instead of the number.

In this set you will find materials to create the following:

  • 1 file folder matching 12 colors
  • 1 file folder matching numbers to numerals (1-20) (this could be split into 2)
  • 1 file folder matching numbers to sets (1-20) (this could be split into 2)
  • 1 file folder matching numbers to number words (1-20) (this could be split into 2)

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Autism Matching File Folder: Red, White & Two by Christine Reeve is copyrighted for single classroom use only. This product may not be resold and can be copied for personal use within a classroom only. If extra copies are needed throughout a school district, please email chris@reeveautismconsulting.com for prices. © Christine Reeve

Basic Skills File Folers Summer Red, White, & Too

Matching File Folders: Red, White, & Too {Special Education, EC}
