Product Description
This add-on kit for preschool and elementary morning meetings or circle time provides supports for 4 Thanksgiving-themed songs/ rhymes (Floats in the Parade, The Turkey’s on the Table, The Turkey Pokey, and 5 Little Turkeys) you can use during morning meeting (or other group activities). The visuals are designed to create opportunities for communication, choice making, counting, identifying names and/or pictures, comprehension, and meaningful participation. In addition it contains the visuals needed to add these activities to a choice board for students to choose which song to sing. There are also pictures for using switches for repetitive phrases in one song.
This set can be used with the Preschool*Elementary Morning Meeting Starter Kit or on its own.
Communication / Choice Visuals
–A visual for each song in this set for students to choose which to sing next
Song / Rhyme Supports
*The Floats in the Parade
——-Visuals for song to print for a story board.
——-Story Board for holding visuals
——-Words to the song to put on the back of the visuals board
*The Turkey’s on the Table
——-Visuals for song to print
——-Story Board for holding visuals
——-Words to the song to put on the back of the visuals board
*The Turkey Pokey
——-Visuals for each body part for students to choose or sequence
——-2 Story Boards for holding visuals
——-Words to the song to put on the back of the visuals board
*5 Little Turkeys
——-Visuals for song to print
——-Story Board for holding visuals
——-Words to the song to put on the back of the visuals board
For more materials for students with ASD
Discrete Trials Kit: Learning Readiness Skills.
Customer Tips:
If you have any questions or concerns about this product or things you would like to see changed, please contact me at my email in the product or in the preview and I’ll be happy to discuss it.
This product is copyrighted to Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at