Product Description
This free data video is a training tool for teachers and their classroom staff to learn to take samples of data in the classroom using the free data sheet that is included. This module launches the Special Education Training Series that will provide teachers with overviews and demonstrations of a variety of strategies. The license for the materials will allow the videos to be viewed by the classroom staff (paraprofessionals). The data video includes more specific terms of use.
This data module includes:
✓ A data streaming video for teachers and staff to watch on how to complete the included data sheet. This video includes tips and reminders for taking sample data (e.g., don’t include data from other times of day on the same data sheet).
✓ Included in the streaming video is information for teachers on how to access the Excel spreadsheet and put the objectives for data collection in the data sheet
✓ An Excel spreadsheet (in zip file) with completely editable data sheets with 2 examples of how they can be used.
✓ A poster / tip sheet of do and don’ts for taking sample data (in zip file)
If you found this video useful for you and your staff, come back for more as I add modules to the series.
This product is copyrighted to Autism Classroom News-Christine Reeve 2016 for use in one classroom or caseload. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. For bulk discounts, please email me at