
Valentine’s Day Photographic Adapted Books for Language (Autism; Special Ed)



There are 3 versions of these books that are identical but target different skills in language and reading. All the books use real photographs. The books focus on verbs and the activities are common Valentine’s day activities. The first works on matching picture to picture. The second one has blank spaces where the pictures go and students find the pictures that match the text (that they read or is read to them). The third has the pictures in place but blanks in the text where the verbs belong. Students then fill-in the blank. They can do this orally while reading the book with an adult or write in the missing word. In addition there is a repetitive phrase on each page that students can recite or that you could record on a speech-generating device for participation by students who are nonverbal.

Targeted verbs include: giving, mailing, cooking, sharing, creating, signing, dining

A similar set of books (some pages are the same and some are different) with illustrations instead of photos is available in my store here.

The books can be used in a variety of ways

**Read them with group activities. There are manipulative pieces for 2 of the books and students can respond with choral response to fill in the blank in the other.
**In a group activity, for the 2 books with matching pictures, have students choose one of the pictures and then identify (e.g., raise their hand, hold up the picture) when the reader turns to the page and then place it on the page.
**Use the books for independent work systems or time where the students can match the pictures or write in the missing words.
**They are great for inclusion buddy reading activities where typical peers read the story to a student with disabilities who can participate by matching the picture or using a speech generating device.
**Use them in individual instruction for vocabulary and literacy. Have students identify the title of the book and the author. Have them describe the pictures. Cover up the text and have the students describe the pictures.
**Use them for explicit instruction by using the matching pictures for students to tell you what the participants are doing, name items in the picture (e.g., mailbox), or give you the picture that depicts a specific activity.

Check out the preview here!

More early learning activities and functional life skills supports for students with ASD can be found in my store or through the following links:

Sweet Directions: Attending to Multiple Cues

Autism Basic Skills Matching Tasks Bundle

Thumbs Up: Token Boards for Behavior Management

Sharing with My Friends: A Social Narrative

Music Visuals for Autism: Visual Schedule

For updates, notifications of new resources, freebies and sales, click the star at the top to follow me on TPT.

For more ideas for working with students with autism, check out my blog at Autism Classroom News.

Valentine’s Day Photographic Adapted Books for Language by Christine Reeve is copyrighted for single classroom use only. This product may not be resold and can be copied for personal use within a classroom only. If extra copies are needed throughout a school district, please email drchrisreeve@gmail.com for prices. © Christine Reeve 2014

Valentines Interactive Adapted Books

Valentine’s Day Photographic Adapted Books for Language (Autism; Special Ed)
