
I Spy Winter Language Activity Scenes for Special Education


Product Description

Expand and practice students’ language skills using these 5 I Spy winter scenes with targeted vocabulary and target cheat sheets provided for the teacher. Students can practice expressive vocabulary, receptive vocabulary, using nouns and verbs, labeling items, identifying items by feature, function or class and more. It will work in face-to-face online distance learning or in the classroom as a group or individual activity. And your students will think it’s “just” a game of I Spy.

  • Each of the scenes comes with a targeted sheet that identifies the nouns, verbs, colors, features, functions, categories in the picture.
  • There is a cheat sheet of potential target phrases to use when playing the game.
  • Finally there are suggestions for 6 different ways to play I Spy from working on simple noun identification to identifying items with first letter up to describing what they see and telling a story from the picture.

WAYS TO USE THEM (more included in product)

  • Play I Spy (in a myriad of ways) or simply to talk about the picture
  • Have students tell (or write) a story about the picture
  • Ask simple inference questions about the picture (e.g., why does the boy have a shovel?)
  • Have students use it as a picture of the day for journal entries
  • Use them for students to do simple describing to items or activities in the picture (e.g., what is the boy doing?)


  • 5 scenes with targeted vocabulary included, differentiated by difficulty. (skiing and winter sports, ice skating, taking a walk in the snow, going to school in winter, and a snowy night inside)
  • A vocabulary sheet for each scene of all the vocabulary in the picture including nouns, verbs, colors, features, functions, and categories
  • A cheat sheet for each scene of potential targets or questions to address in the game (e.g., I spy something that barks; I spy something that’s green)


  • Early childhood settings (distance learning or in class) working on communication and language skills
  • Special education students of all ages working on vocabulary, description and other language skills
  • Speech and language students working on understanding and expressing vocabulary and different forms of speech
  • Students working in verbal behavior programs on receptive and expressive feature, function, class


  • Clear, simple scenes with vocabulary items that stand out
  • Combinations of different types of vocabulary (e.g., nouns, verbs) for easy differentiation in group activities
  • Ideas for simplifying or expanding the game to meet different needs in the class
  • Google Slides™️ and PowerPoint™️ of the picture scenes for easy use in distance learning
  • Instructions and ideas for teachers to use easily in their classroom
  • Cheat sheets teachers can use to highlight targets they want to address with their students


  • Receptive vocabulary
  • Expressive vocabulary
  • Labeling with nouns
  • Receptive by feature, function and/or class
  • Expressive vocabulary by feature, function and/or category
  • Telling narratives
  • Expanding length of utterances
  • Making inferences
  • Beginning letter ID
  • and more

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This product is copyrighted to Christine Reeve for use in one classroom or caseload. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses. They may be used and sent electronically to families on your caseload. For questions, please email me at chris@autismclassroomresources.com.

Winter I Spy Scenes for language practice

I Spy Winter Language Activity Scenes for Special Education
