Sharing is caring!
I am so thankful to all of you who have joined me on this ride in blogger land and on TPT, that I wanted to give you a present. I know with school running up so close to the holidays for most of you, that time is particularly scarce and there is so much to do. I can’t wrap your presents for you, but at least I can give you a small gift of gift tags for those presents. I always seem to run out while doing my wrapping and of course I discover this at the last minute. So, click here and download free gift tags that you can print and use. I love these artists’ clip art and just had to use it on one last product before the end of the season. A big shout out to Krista Wallden at Creative Clips, Melonheadz Illustrations, Dots of Fun and of course, Ashley Hughes. They are just a few among the many artists who make it possible for me to create teaching materials.