Middle and high school life skills teachers, this Money Problem of the Day resource is a great way to get more life skills special education activities with money and shopping practice during morning work or morning meeting. Get your students engaged with learning money using these 200 slides, each with a shopping problem in which students drag coins and/or dollars to indicate how much money they need to make a purchase of up to 3 items and adding the prices.
This no-prep digital interactive slide set (taken from the Middle & High School Morning Meeting Starter Kit) is already differentiated with skills starting with making single purchases with $1 bills to adding prices of multiple products. It is designed to present 1 slide per day to the class on an interactive whiteboard, or to a life skills student using a device. But it can easily be adapted and set up for just the slides you want to use for the activity. Just rearrange the slides.
Buy the Whole Kit including this product as part of Morning Meeting Bundle for Special Education & Autism – Middle & High School
❤️What You’ll Love!❤️
- This set of life skills math slides can last for a year of daily money problems
- These life skills special education activities slides are already setup from easy to more complex problems with easy differentiation for the different types of life skills students you serve.
- You can differentiate the slides further by removing the moveable bills (and coins) to give fewer choices to students who are just beginning learning money skills.
- The digital learning slides are provided in PowerPoint and Google Slides format so you choose what works for you.
- The materials are colorful and engaging for students
- The tasks mirror real-life purchasing tasks and provide lots of practice for life skills math.
- Multiple bill denominations are used in the problems
- Bills and coins are presented face-up and face-down as the problems increase in difficulty for real-life practice
- Slides can easily be added to morning meeting interactive whiteboards and include draggable coins and bills for students to make their purchase
❤️ What Your Middle & High School Life Skills Students Will Love ❤️
- Real-life math problems focusing on skills they will use outside of school
- Engaging graphics with visual cues
- Moveable pieces for the coins and bills allow students to practice hands-on using digital tools as a group or individually
What You Get in These Life Skills Special Education Math Activities
- 200 slides each with a shopping problem the student uses the available bills and/or coins to purchase the identified item.
- Each slide has graphics depicting the problem and a picture of the items being purchased.
⭐️See the Preview for pictures of the types of slides included.⭐️
The 200 money problem slides are differentiated for you so you can choose from different skill levels.
- Slides 1-25 –even dollar amounts under $10
- Slides 25-60 –even dollar amounts to $60
- Slides 60-140-single prices with change
- Slides 141-186 – adding 2 prices with change
- Slides 187-200 have 3 items to add
- Slides 1-140 could be used for the Next Dollar Up strategy where the student counts up $1 from the stated price and doesn’t need to count the exact change.
Ways to Use the Money Problem of the Day Slides
- Have students complete 1 money problem each day during morning work or morning meeting on the interactive whiteboard
- Give each student money and have the class solve the same problem from the board at their desk by counting out their money and showing it to you. This allows each student to practice with each problem opportunity.
- Present a subset of slides to a student on a tablet or computer to work independently or during paraprofessional-run centers
Looking for more morning meeting materials? Check out the set this originated with, the Morning Meeting Bundle for Special Education & Autism – Middle & High School
Looking for more life skills special education activities…check out all the life skills activities in my store here.
This product is copyrighted to ©Christine Reeve for use in one classroom. They may not be copied for additional classes without purchasing extra licenses.