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As I’m writing this many of you are being asked to provide resources to home and these free resources can help. We are struggling with the Corona Virus around the world and schools have begun to shut down in the U.S. I was looking for ways to help those of you who need send work to your students at home and, like you, struggling to determine what that looks like for many of our students. I started to make this as a PDF to send out with an email, but then it just seemed more accessible to put it here.
Terms of Use Changes
I wanted to share some strategies to use some of the free resources in the Resource Library to help students practice their skills at home. I also have made some changes to my Terms of Use to assure that it is OK to include these resources on course sites that require students or their families to log-in to access resources.
Money Skills
Many of your students are working on money skills so I have a number of resources for different kinds of skills. These are all resources from the Free Resource Library. You will need to sign up or log in to access them.
Money Templates
These templates can be used in lots of different ways.
- Have students match the coins on top of the coins to equal the amounts (with Velcro) in independent work
- Cut the amounts apart from the coin sequences and make a file folder or matching task cards for them to practice
- Have students practice identifying the coins verbally in instruction
- Students can count the amounts of the coins aloud during instruction
- Or have them use one of them to set up the coins for a purchase or use in the vending machine.
Next Dollar Up Task Cards
This free resource is perfect for students to practice counting the number of bills they would need to make a purchase using the Next Dollar Up Strategy.
Next Dollar Worksheets
There are 2 worksheets that the students practice determining the right number of dollars to use to make a purchase based on price. If your students are just learning to use the strategy, you might want to cut these in half. The students could do 5 problems each day to practice.
You could also cut the dollar number line from the top of them and have parents use store flyers with prices and the number line to figure out how many dollars would be needed.
Money Worksheets
There are 2 money worksheets in this set. One uses coins and one uses bills. Students cut and paste the product that matches the amount of money.
Like the ones above, you can cut them apart to divide them across days or work sessions, depending on how much your students can do. These are already divided into thirds as a way to help students who may have difficulty seeing 10 problems they have to do and need smaller segments.
Number Lines
This number line are also available. Families (or instructors) can use them to have students look at prices in a flyer and determine if they have enough money (in cash or on a debit card with a balance).
Basic Skills-Matching

This free resource serves multiple functions.
- Students can match utensils to the templates.
- Use them as templates for counting out utensils and set the table
- Practice counting with 1-1 correspondence by pointing to the items and have students say how many
It’s not quite out of winter in some places, so these sequence worksheets are easy things for families to do.
You could also make 2 copies of them and have them match the patterns in addition to extending the sequence.
In addition, there is a second sequencing task that is nonseasonal free set here.
Time and Sorting
This free resource includes 2 worksheets working on time and 3 sorting sheets for sorting plants from animals and vegetables from flowers.
Social Studies
This is something I recommend for social studies for standards-based instruction. And even better it can easily be done at home. Plus it can be repeated with different websites.
Students use this free template to do a search of the internet for a specific site. So it could be something like
- Finding things out about towns where friends / family live
- Investigating who is in the local government
- Finding information about the Corona Virus
- Learn about other countries
- and more
Read more about the web search template and scientific method organizer in this post and download them.
There is a plant life cycle template in the resource library that you can also use.
Like the web search template above, this scientific method organizer can be used with any observation of natural environments.
With their students, parents could plant 2 plants, and have students hypothesize which will grow faster or more based on conditions (e.g., water one, don’t water the other; in sunlight or in dark).
Other Family Supports
Many of your students may have some communication issues. These cards are free for making choice boards or reinforcing activities that students can use to make requests for items or activities they want.
And these leisure activity visuals are great for helping families structure their day of activities for students. These are leisure activities including toys, sports, outside activities and inside.
You’ll find many more free resources in the Resource Library as well as around the website that I haven’t gotten to revising and re-posting yet. I will be working on that and you’ll see those updates if you are subscribed to the library.
Stay tuned on Facebook and Instagram as well and I will try to share other freebies as time goes on. We will get through this. Make use of any online tools you use in your classroom. For instance, if you use Unique or News2You, you can use the student login to send work home digitally or print things to send home as well. If you have any questions or needs for things, drop me a line.
Stay healthy!