
Free Special Education Webinars

3 Free Special Education Webinars On Demand

Want to learn new ideas for your special education classroom while sitting in your PJs? Check out these 3 FREE webinars on independent work, data collection and challenging behavior.

Grab professional development in your pajamas with these special education webinars on your schedule.  Watch the entire episode and get a certificate of completion to request CEUs from your district.

They are examples of the exact same workshops I offer in the Special Educator Academy.  Each one is 45 minutes to an hour and they are available whenever you are.

The Free Webinar Details

All 3 special education webinars are recorded and are available whenever you are. Just register and watch.

At the end of the webinar, you will walk away with strategies and tools you can use in your classroom the next day.

The webinars are great for veteran and new teachers alike. Everyone will walk away with strategies they can use.

If you stay until the end of the webinar and receive a bonus download of free materials and a certificate indicating completion.

My Free Webinars

Independent Work Systems Webinar

Free Independent
Work Systems

Preventing Challenging Behavior Webinar

Preventing Challenging
Behavior Free


Data System

Meet Christine Reeve


From running Autism Classroom Resources, to creating teacher resources on TeachersPayTeachers as Autism Classroom News, my passion has always been about bringing special educators together and helping them serve their students in the best ways they can. I have spent the last 20 years working with a wide variety of special education programs as a behavior specialist, an administrator, and primarily as a trainer and consultant. Teachers should never feel like they teach on an island. I want to change that by providing a site where special educators can come together to learn ways to make their jobs easier, to support each other, and to put the excitement back in their teaching.

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Our library is packed with carefully curated printable resources and videos tailored to make your journey as a special educator or homeschooling family smoother and more productive.

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