More Pictures from Camp Yes You Can Classroom Theme

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Happy Memorial Day Weekend!  Continuing on with the pictures from the camp theme from the Baudhuin Preschool.  To see the first post of pictures Check HERE.

This is one of my favorite.  I love the I Did It as the name of the canoe and I love that they put the Educube chairs in them for the kids to sit on!  The life jacket was a nice touch too.

This is a Peek-A-Boo Cabin.  The kids turn the flaps to find the pictures of different animals.  There are communication visuals for the kids to talk about what they see.  Such great opportunities for communication.

In each area there are communication boards with visuals to support conversation about the different activities.

These are just a few examples of ideas for a camping theme.

Have a restful weekend (or long weekend in the states)!  Get some rest and I’ll be back Monday.

Until then,


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