Summer Resources That Will Help You Survive the End of the Year

Summer resources to help survive the end of the year in special education [picture-interactive books with summer themes]

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Looking for summer resources for ESY? This post has them!

As many of you know, I like to make resources set up by seasons.  Part of this is because many of the students I know we all work with need to use the same resources for 2 to 3 months before we change it up on them.  And seasons just give us a good dividing point to change up many functional skills, like places we go, what we wear, etc.

So, I thought I would start to do some seasonal rounds ups of activities and products from the blog and my store for easy reference. I’ll include free activities and products from my store that can help you.  

And I thought I would start with summer resources.  Let’s face it, the end of the year  can be tough and we need all the fun and engaging resources we can get to keep our students engaged.  And thinking about summer can keep us all motivated to get through the day.

The end of the year  can be tough and we need all the fun and engaging resources we can get to keep our students engaged.


Summer Interactive Books Special Education Summer Activities You Need in Your Classroom Blog Post

Click the picture to check them out!

So let’s start with interactive books.  Below are my summer interactive books.  Interactive books are terrific for building receptive and expressive vocabulary; working on using communication, including AAC ; and literacy.  Themes in the summer books include summer vacations, going to camp, going to the beach, going to the pool, and going to the park.

Join the Free Resource Library to grab the Interactive Book!


I love file folder activities so I was kind of surprised to discover I hadn’t created that many of them in summer resources.  However, there are file folders in the other concept sets listed in the next sections.  I’ll have to fix that in the future and I’ll come back and add them to this post.  In the meantime, I have some basic skills —letters, numbers—file folders that are perfect for summer.


Basic Skills File FOlders- Numbers Colors and Shapes

Click here to see on TPT

These are some of my favorite sets because I just love how the graphics came out!  There are 6 file folders focused on early literacy with letters.  Included in this set that focus on matching letters, matching upper to lowercase letters, filling in sequences of letters and matching beginning letters to pictures (e.g., c to a cat).  


These summer resources are the math counterpart to the Sunny days folders.  There are 4 folders with matching numerals, matching sets to numbers, matching colors, and matching numbers to number words.  Most of these can be split into 2 simpler file folders to get more variation as well.

Click Here to Check Them Out on TpT


Join the Free Resource Library to Grab the File Folder (Free!)


Click here to check them out on TpT

The activities include 6 words / pictures for matching and receptive ID (spoon, bowl, cup, block, car, and shoe) to coordinate with my Discrete Trials Kit: Learning Readiness Skills. They use summer themes including camping and beach.  


These summer resources were created to supplement my colors discrete trials kit and to provide some quick and easy ways for student to generalize their color skills.  The set focuses on 9 colors and uses both a camping and a beach theme.

They include file folders, interactive books, worksheets, mini coloring books, and color matching books. 

Read more about what’s included here.

Grab the Summer Color Generalization Kit here

Free Color Mini-Book Activities for special education

And grab your free summer color book here.


There are also the Receptive Vocabulary activities for summer that focus on teaching classification, features and functions of common vocabulary.  The RFFC sets have a combination of print-and-go activities as well as durable ones.  This set has camping and beach themes as well.  

Summer RFFC Special Education summer Activities You Need in Your Classroom Blog Post

Click Here to Check Out the Summer Receptive Vocabulary Activities (RFFC)

There are also the Receptive Vocabulary activities for summer that focus on teaching classification, features and functions of common vocabulary.  The RFFC sets have a combination of print-and-go activities as well as durable ones.  This set has camping and beach themes as well.  


These task cards were created specifically for a summer theme to practice some basic money skills.  Students can match coins on the cards, circle the correct amount of money on the card, and match the amount on the card to priced items at a beach shop.

Grab The Beach Money Task Cards Here

Check Out All the Summer Resources on TPT


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