More Put-In Tasks: Workbasket Wednesday May 2016

Workbasket Wednesday Link up with blog posts showing different tasks for independent work systems. Mine this month focuses on put-in tasks and a video sharing different use of materials for tasks.

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This month on Workbasket Wednesday I am going to focus on put-in tasks.  We did a Blab live video last week on maipulatives and much of it focused on activities that could be used in work tasks.  I had chosen to talk about poker chips and realized that I actually did not have any pictures I could find with poker chips.  The most basic put-in task we typically use is putting poker chips through a slit in a coffee can.  Apparently I thought it was so basic that I never bothered with a picture, since I’ve made them in almost every class that needed put-in tasks that I’ve set up.

Workbasket Wednesday Link up with blog posts showing different tasks for independent work systems. Mine this month focuses on put-in tasks and a video sharing different use of materials for tasks.I promised to share the pictures of tasks that I shared during the Blab because they don’t show up on the recording.  You can find the recording and the pictures below.  In the meantime, I wanted to correct my lack of pictures of tasks with poker chips.  Poker chips are great because they are cheap (you can get them for about $1 in Walmart or dollar stores), durable, and don’t require laminating.  As you can see in this picture, you can also use coins you buy from the dollar store.

This is a pretty basic task in which the students take the coins off the Velcro and put it in the slit at the top of the box.  You can use plastic containers, coffee cans, or any other container you can put a slit in the top.  You can also use blocks or other manipulatives to put in.  And if you have a student who can’t pull the coin off the Velcro, you can put the coins in a separate containers.  This is a great starting task for students who cannot currently work independently.

If you want to link up, the instructions are at the end.  If you want the Blab replay, check it out below and then I’ve added the links to posts with the pictures that I referenced in the video.  And I hope you will think about joining us for our Blab on this Thursday night at 8 PM eastern when we are talking about reinforcers.

Uses of Popsicle Sticks (including as sentence strips, put-in tasks and others).

Uses of Clothespins

Link Up for Workbasket Wednesday
Building Independence through Structured Work Systems

Have some workbasket tasks you want to share (they don’t have to be assembly tasks)?  Link up below or share them on social media with #workbasketwednesday and copy me (@reeveautism on Twitter and @autismclassroomnews on Instagram).

Looking for more ideas on work systems and how they can be used?  Check out the links below for more posts.  And, I wrote about a book about them!  Click on the book to the left for an Amazon Affiliate link (see my disclosure policy for more information about affiliate links).

Looking to set up work systems in your classroom but not sure where to start?  Check out my Structured Work Starter Kits and Bundles in my store.

Structured Work Systems Starter Kit Elementary Edition from Autism Classroom Newsstructured work system starter kit secondary from Autism Classroom News StoreStructured Work System Elementary Starter BundleSecondary Structured Work System Bundle for Life Skills --STarter Kit and TasksWorkbasket Wednesday Linkup for Structured Work Systems and Independent Work Systems

Until next time, (and don’t forget the Sunday chat on Facebook Live about communicating feedback effectively)!

Autism Classroom Resources


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